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by David Davis

Scripture: Matthew 9:36

Title: To Be Like Jesus
Text: Matthew 9:36
Author: Dr. David Davis

A pastor received a call from a new father. He wanted the pastor to be present when he told the new mother she had given birth to a beautiful baby -- healthy in every way -- but the newborn boy had no ears.

The baby had auditory openings and all the inner ear parts necessary to receive sound, but no fleshly part outside which we commonly call the ear.

The doctors assured the parents that the problem would be corrected when his growth was completed and a donor was found.

School was tough for the little boy. Many times he came home weeping, "I'm a freak!" He became aware of the stares, whispers, and taunts of the other kids. He grew up learning to live with this.

He became an excellent student -- entered college to study geology. One day he received a call from his dad saying, "Well, son, we've finally found a donor. The operation will be this summer."

Following the operation, he was so happy. His new ears were beautiful. He graduated with honors -- moved to the Midwest to work.

One day he received a call from his dad saying, "Son -- your mother has had a heart attack, please come home ASAP!"

He arrived home, only to learn his mother died before his arrival. At the funeral home, his dad called him to the casket, pushed back his hair to show his son that she didn't have any ears.

This moving and true story brings us an added dimension to the love of God. This boy's mother was the donor so that her son could have the fleshly ears he so wanted. She gave a part of herself to her son who had a deep need.

God, however, chose not to give ears -- but His all to us through His Son.

Paul said in Galatians 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."

Our text is found in Matthew 9:36, "But when he saw the mul ...

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