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by Steve Jones

Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1-19

Title: Salvation (6 of 6)
Series: June Humility Month
Author: Steve Jones
Text: II Kings 5:1-19

Series Summary: In this sermon series we focus on the importance of humility.

Sermon Summary: From the healing of Naaman we learn 3 aspects of humble salvation. 1) Naaman - humble conditions of salvation. 2) Servants - humble messengers of salvation. 3) Prophet - Humble God of salvation.

INTRODUCTION: A few weeks ago, I told a dead-possum story, remember that? Who can forget a dead-possum story? That's why I told it. I told it to illustrate the humility of my service in removing a dead possum from the street and how I expect to get a reward for that someday in Heaven. That was on a Sunday. The very next day, one of our church members, Nichole, found a dead possum in the road and moved it out of the road just like I did. That, right there, is enough to renew a preacher's faith that the congregation is paying attention. But wait, there's more. Nichole's possum was a female,and she decided to check the female's "pouch" wherein she discovered a baby possum. Here is a picture. He may look like he's dead but he's just...playing possum. Nichole handed her over to wildlife rescue. I begin with that story this morning because Nichole's humble act of service resulted in the salvation of one of God's creatures. One of God's UGLIEST creatures, but still. Today, I want to talk about the relationship between humility and salvation. I'm going to use the example of Naaman from the Old Testament, II Kings 5:1-19. This story involves a HEALING but illustrates the humility of salvation in three ways.

"The king of Aram had great admiration for Naaman, the commander of his army, because through him the Lord had given Aram great victories. But though Naaman was a mighty warrior, he suffered from leprosy. Now bands of raiders from Aram had gone out and had taken captive a young girl from Israel, and she served Naaman's wife. She said to her mistress, 'If only my mas ...

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