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by Steve Jones

Scripture: John 13:1-38

Title: Service (4 of 6)
Series: June Humility Month
Author: Steve Jones
Text: John 13

Series Summary: In this sermon series we focus on the importance of humility.

Sermon Summary: From Jesus washing the disciples feet we learn: 1) Humble Servant is Who We Are. 2) Humble Service is What We Do. 3) Humble Service How We're Blessed

INTRODUCTION: Guess the type of tree from the picture that I put up on the screen (show pictures of trees WITHOUT fruit): Orange tree. Apple tree. Cherry tree. Banana tree. Now guess again (show pictures of trees WITH fruit). Show picture of a "Money tree" (flourishes in Washington D.C.) Jesus said, "Just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions" Matthew 7:20. Notice that all I had to show you was the fruit and you knew from what kind of tree it grew. We are in our "Humility Month" sermon series. The "tree" of humility produces the "fruit" of service. When you see a Christian serving, you can be confident you're dealing with a humble brother or sister in Christ. Connie, Jarrod and Irene were baptized last Monday, and the humble fruit of service was already on display. Sue and Terry Smith served those being baptized by providing the pool. Randy Loss served those being baptized by baptizing them into Christ. Becky Anderson brought tuna sandwiches and Connie brought a key lime pie. Humility and service go together like Splish and splash; like soap and water; like a towel and basin.

?For our guests this morning our sermon series is "Humility Month." We've looked at the humility of Jesus in the incarnation. We've looked at the humble posture of the church toward the LGBTQ+ community. We've looked at the humility of fatherhood.

?In John 13 we have the incident where Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. Let's study his example this morning. Our goal is to let Jesus show us how to humble up and produce the fruit of humility, which is service to the glory of God.


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