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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 13:31-35
This content is part of a series.

Title: A Man and His Battles (12)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 13:31-35

INTRODUCTION: A Father's Day Meditation: There was a time in our land when Dads ruled; it was called the 90s. Yes, Dad ruled. His throne was a large, cushy recliner that sat opposite the television. His scepter of authority was called the remote, and he wielded it with unmitigated power. He watched what he wanted to watch. Yes, those were the good ole days.

And you can be certain, he would not be watching Bridget Jones Diary or Mama Mia. He wasn't going to snuggle up and watch Twilight or The Notebook. No, for him, there had to be a Russian Boxer to knock out, Murderous Nazi Scientist to outwit, Roman Emperors to fight in the Arena, or unruly cowboys to shoot down at the OK corral.

Yes, those were the good old days when testosterone ran high, and you only cry when... well, you don't cry... you sometimes feel something, like when Rudy finally gets in the game or Bruce Willis decides to stay behind and set the nuke off on the asteroid so Ben Affleck could marry his daughter. Ah yes, in those days, Dads ruled, and there was peace in the land.

Guy movies and Girl movies are different. Girl movies are all about the relationship, he likes her, then he doesn't like her, then he likes her again, the end.

There are relationships in Guy movies, but they are all pointed at something - a dragon, for example, a Darth Vader, a Sauron. There has to be an evil villain for them to battle.

That is true of all great stories. Even the ultimate story - Think about it, in Eden there was a dragon, that ancient serpent Satan. But rather than slay the Dragon and save the princess... Adam tolerated him. The rest of history awaited the emergence of a second Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ, who would ultimately crush the serpent. Jesus dealt a fatal blow to Satan on the cross... now, like a cornered animal, Satan rages, awaiting his ultimate sentencing. We get to be a part of that.. ...

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