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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Ephesians 4:4-6

Title: Understand Your Faith (18)
Series: Ephesians
Author: Stephen Whitney
Text: Ephesians 4:4-6

During World War II, Hitler commanded that all religious groups unite together so that he could control them. Among the Brethren assemblies, half complied and joined with all of the other religious groups while half refused to join with them.

Those who went along with the order had a much easier time while Hitler ruled the country. Those who did not, faced harsh persecution. In almost every family of those who resisted, someone died in a concentration camp.

When the war was finally over, feelings of bitterness ran deep between the two groups and there was a lot of tension. Finally they decided that the situation had to be healed. Leaders from each group met at a quiet retreat. For several days, each person spent time in prayer, examining his own heart in the light of Christ's commands. Then they came together.

Francis Schaeffer, who told of the incident, asked a friend who was there, "What did you do then?" "We were just one," he replied. As they confessed their hostility and bitterness to God and yielded to His control, the Holy Spirit created a spirit of unity among them. Love filled their hearts and dissolved their hatred towards one another.

Because Satan could not stop the church his strategy has been to divide the church throughout the ages. He has caused the church to be divided along two lines: first, theological causing people not to believe the truth and second, practical how they worship and live out the faith they believe.

The result is hundreds of different kinds of churches which believe and worship differently so they don't get along. What you believe is import because it affects how you worship.

Charles Spurgeon - "I believe there is a deep, secret, essential, vital union between all the elect of God who have been quickened by the power of the Holy Spirit and have been washed in the fountain filled with bl ...

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