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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1-25
This content is part of a series.

Title: Living It Out (1 of 5)
Series: Living With Hope & Holiness In a Hostile World
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: 1 Peter 1:1-25

I - The Powerful Salutation (1 - 5)

II - The Purposeful Situation (6 - 9)

III - The Prophet's Scrutinization (10 - 12)

IV - The Prescribed Sanctification (13 - 17)

V - The Probing Summarization (18 - 21)

VI - The Phenomenal Summation (22 - 25)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

"One word stands out from all others as the key to knowing God, to having His peace and assurance in your life--it is obedience."
Eric Liddell

Live It Out

Elisabeth Elliot tells the story of when she and her brother Tom were small children. Their mother would let Tom play with paper bags that she had saved as long as he put them away afterwards. One day she walked into the kitchen to find them strewn all over the floor. Tom was in another room at the piano with his father singing hymns. When their mother called him to the kitchen to tidy up, he protested, "But Mum, I want to sing Jesus loves me this I know."

His father, seated next to him, backed up the boys' mother by saying: "It's no good singing God's praise if you're disobedient. To obey is better than sacrifice."

No Faith, No Power & No Hope, No Holiness

When I was growing up in Oklahoma, there was a lake my family and I frequented a lot called Keystone Lake. Keystone was not a natural lake; prior to its creation in 1962, there were towns located there, one of which gives the lake its name.

The town was to be flooded to make a large lake, so a dam was being built.
In the months before it was to be flooded, all improvements and repairs in the whole town were stopped. What was the use of painting a house if it were to be covered with water in six months? Why repair anything when the whole village was to be wiped out?

So, week by week, the whole town became more and more bedraggled, more gone to seed, more woebeg ...

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