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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 13:10-21
This content is part of a series.

Title: Kingdom Growth (10)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 13:10-21

INTRODUCTION: Your Bible was written by 40 different human authors over a period of 2000 years. It was written in three different languages and on three different continents. Four hundred silent years separated the 39 books of the Old Testament from the 27 of the New Testament. Yet, from Genesis to Revelation, they tell one unfolding story from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.

If I had to summarize the Bible in 140 characters or less, I would say that It is a story about a King and His Kingdom.

There aren't many true Kingdoms functioning in our world today. Most countries have moved to other forms of government, so we have to use our imagination to understand the significance of a kingdom.

However, it is important that we learn to think in terms of a kingdom because kingdom theology was central to Jesus' teaching and to the theme of the Bible.

- In the Beginning, God created Adam from the Dust of the Ground and breathed into him the breath of life. Then, from Adam, God created Woman to serve as his helper. God gave them DOMINION over everything that moves on the Earth. Adam was a King, and his Domain was the inhabitants of Earth. He ruled with his Queen at his side, Eve.

But then, the two of them made a tragic mistake: they entered into league with that ancient serpent Satan; they believed his word over the word of their Creator, thus subjecting their dominion to Satan.

God promised that the day would come when everything that went wrong in Eden would be made right by the SEED of the woman, and a son would be born who would ultimately crush the head of Satan and, in the process, be greatly bruised.

From that point forward, you might imagine that with every son born, they had to wonder, is this the SEED?

- Able looked promising... but he was killed by Cain.

- Then Noah - It really looked like it could be Noah! He built the Ark, and he truste ...

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