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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 12:4-12
This content is part of a series.

Title: Freedom from Fear (5)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 12:4-12

ANNOUNCE: Welcome Central Nassau - Pray for Israel

CONTEXT: Once Jesus pronounced the condemnation of the Pharisee's hypocrisy, he knew it would be just a matter of time before they would call for His crucifixion. In fact, chronologically, we are only a few months from the cross in text this morning.

From now to the cross, you will see a couple of shifts in the teaching of Jesus.

1. His warnings to the multitude will intensify.

2. He will direct much of His attention to preparing the disciples for what they were soon to face.

a. There will be an emphasis on not living for this present age but rather the age to come.

b. There will be an emphasis on being spiritually ready and alert.

c. There will be an emphasis on responding properly to fear and anxiety.

The time of the disciples was not entirely unlike the time we find ourselves in. While they lived in the Shadow of the Cross, we live in the Shadow of the Tribulation that is coming upon the earth. The closer we get to that time of tribulation, the darker the shadow becomes.

We will inevitably face some of the same challenges they faced in the days ahead, and we would be wise to prepare. So, the remainder of Luke will be of utmost relevance.

In today's text Jesus will address FEAR in verse 22 he will address ANXIETY. The words are different.

- FEAR - [PHOBEO in Greek] speaks to a physical, biochemical, or emotional response to a real-world threat.

- ANXIETY - [µe??µ??? [MERIMNAO /mer·im·nah·o/] speaks to an internal worry or apprehension over the potential of a negative circumstance.

The disciples would experience both in increasing measure in the days ahead. In our text, Jesus counsels them on how to think when they are in the grip of fear or anxiety.

That is the KEY, by the way - You see, your body takes it's cues from your mind.

ILLUSTRATION: If you are walking ...

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