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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 11:14-26
This content is part of a series.

??Title: The Reasonable Savior (1)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 11:14-26


As we have seen Jesus is moved into the vicinity of Jerusalem where he will be for the remainder of his time on Earth, as he does there is a sharp increase in opposition. He is in the territory of the Pharisees. These were the religious leaders of Israel. Rome had allowed a measure of moral and theological autonomy within the Nations it had conquered. The Pharisees sought how to best live out Old Testament Judaism within the parameters of Roman authority-all the while awaiting that Son of David, that Messiah who would establish the Eternal Kingdom for Israel.

Part of the work of the Pharisees was involved - keeping things koshar (In keeping with the Mosaic Law) as well as interrogating those who made Messianic claims. Several had arisen that claimed to be the long-awaited Messiah.

- Judas, son of Ezekias led a rebellion in Galilee where he attacked its royal arsenal.

- Simon of Perea, a slave of King Herod, led a rebellion that burnt down the palace in Jericho.

- Athronges in Judea who led a body of armed supporters who recognized him as king, against Herod Archelaus and the Romans.

Then came Jesus of Nazareth. He hadn't attacked any Roman garrison; his battles had been of a different sort. His birth had been surrounded by celestial signs and the arrival of foreign dignitaries. His teaching had been profound. His ministry had been marked by supernatural signs and wonders. Now, he was moving toward Jerusalem with remarkable resolve.

Could this be the one? If so, what would happen? Would he raise an army? Would he attack the Roman Garrison at Fort Antonius? And most importantly, would he do the bidding of the Pharisees? Jesus had already made it clear that was not his intention.

- He didn't hesitate to perform miracles on the Sabbath.

- When he spoke, he failed to quote the key Rabbis of the Pharisees and spoke of H ...

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