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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Revelation 17:1-18, Revelation 18:1-24

The Crumble & Collapse of Almighty Babylon (5 of 5)
Series: It's the End of the World... As We Know It
Author: Jordan Easley
Scripture: Revelation 17 & 18

There will be a day, where people on the earth will say... It's the end of the world as we know it! Last time we were together, we saw from God's word... a chaotic scene in the future... where God will pour out his final 7 judgments upon the earth.

So far in our study of Revelation-we've seen the sky open up... the church raptured up... and then we were introduced to the unholy trinity of destruction (The devil. The Antichrist. The False prophet.) These 3 characters will spearhead and lead... a period of time on our planet, known as the Tribulation.... which will basically be a 7-year nightmare, where God will pour out His judgment on those who are left behind after the rapture of the church. 7 seals. 7 trumpets. 7 bowls.

You say, "Why would God unleash His judgment on people?" [2 Pet. 3:9] tells us, it's because... He's not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance. In other words, God wants everyone to be saved! You will never meet a person whom God does not love. You will never meet a person whom Jesus did not die for.

No one here will ever stand before God and say, "God, I wanted to be saved ... I wanted to be forgiven ... but salvation wasn't possible for me." If you die LOST without Jesus ... it will be because you resisted and fought God all the way to Hell.

God wants everyone to be saved... including you! That's why Jesus came. That's why Jesus died. That's why Jesus arose. And believe it or not... that's why God will one day... unleash 21 judgments upon the earth... it'll be, to give those who are left behind... one last chance to be saved.

Now that brings us to [chapter 17] ... which is another interlude ... another pause. God calls a "time out" here... because He has something important to tell us.

At this point... the 21 judgments are over... the 7 years ...

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