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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Revelation 15:1-8, Revelation 16:1-21, Revelation 17:1-18

Final Plagues-Bowls of God's Wrath (4 of 5)
Series: It's the End of the World... As We Know It
Author: Jordan Easley
Scripture: Rev. 15-17

Every person who hears the gospel of Jesus Christ... heard it for the first time... but they'll also, one day, hear it for the last time. That's true for every one of us.

Over the years, I've preached the last gospel message some people ever heard. I could give you the names of individuals who attended a worship service, just like this one... they heard the plan of salvation... and they chose (for whatever reason) to delay in their decision to go all in with Jesus... not realizing... that on Monday they would unexpectedly... step into eternity... and they missed their last chance to surrender their lives to Jesus.

In [Prov. 27:1] it says, "Don't boast about tomorrow, for you don't know what a day might bring." In [James 4:14] it says, "You don't know what tomorrow will bring-what your life will be! For you are like vapor that appears for a little while, then vanishes."

The Bible is very clear to say-your life will be shorter than you think... and opportunities to say "YES" to Jesus are limited. There will be a day, where saying "YES" to Jesus will no longer be on the table. And that's true for us, personally... but that will also, one-day be true for the entire world, collectively.

So far, in our study of Revelation, God has revealed to us-future events that are going to take place on the earth. He's shown us-there's coming a day where the sky will open up... and the church (those of us who've been saved by Jesus) will be raptured up! (That's going to be a great day for many of us... and a not-so great day for many more.)

You see, when Jesus comes back for us... and we're no longer on the earth, there will be many people who are left behind (people who didn't trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior)... and in that day... each of these people, remaining on the earth, will be forced to make a decis ...

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