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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Revelation 14:1-20

Revelation 14 (3 of 5)
Series: It's the End of the World... As We Know It
Author: Jordan Easley
Scripture: Revelation 14

Have you ever gone to the theater... watched the preview for a movie... and thought to yourself, "Man, I really don't want to watch that one!?" Typically, if we see a preview for something that we don't like, we simply ignore the preview and move on to something else.

Today, in [Revelation chapter 14] God is going to give us a preview of things that are going to happen in the future. And as much as the world would like to ignore this message, (like a movie they don't want to watch), the events we're going to talk about today... are going to one day... take place on the earth.

We've got to remember... When John is writing this book, he's a prisoner that's been dropped off to die on the island of Patmos. He's an old man, in his 90's and he's the Lone Survivor from the original Disciples of Christ.

Throughout this book, we've seen God reveal His truth TO John and THROUGH John. We've seen visions and signs and images like never seen before. That's what Revelation is all about-it's God revealing to mankind-truth about Jesus... and truth about the future.

So far in our study, we've seen how-in the future-Jesus is coming back... and the church will be raptured up... and then the Antichrist will arrive, and God's judgment will fall... that judgement will result in terrible things happening on the earth during a 7-year period of time known as the Tribulation.

Today, we're going to be in [Revelation 14], which is oftentimes referred to as the table of contents for the book of Revelation. This is the final chapter of a 3-chapter preview... of the events that will happen during the last half of the tribulation.

The first 3 ½ years ended at the end of Revelation 11.
The final 3 ½ years begin next week in Revelation chapter 15.

But today, in [Rev. 14]- John is given a preview of the events that will take place during ...

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