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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Revelation 13:1-18

Revelation 13 (2 of 5)
Series: It's the End of the World... As We Know It
Author: Jordan Easley
Scripture: Revelation 13

Sometimes... When you know what's going to happen next... you just can't help but smile. I remember playing Hide-and-go-seek as a kid... I'd be hiding and my little brother would be counting... and as he counted... I would be gathering pillows and blankets, and I would form them in the shape of a person and then I'd put them under the comforter on the bed... making it look like it was me under the covers... then I'd go hide in the closet or behind the curtains so that I could watch what was about to take place.

I can't tell you how many times I've been hiding in that game... and while hiding, I'm already smiling... because I know... in a matter of seconds, my brother's going to come after me and he's going to see that lump on the bed and he's going to think he's got me... but instead of finding me in that moment, he's going to jump on a pile of pillows... and I'm going to run to home base, SAFE once again... laughing every single step of the way...

Today we're jumping back into our study of the book of Revelation... and let me tell you... just saying that... makes me smile. It's because every time I read this book; I'm reminded... that we have an adversary who seriously thinks he's going to win in the end... He's a roaring lion who's roaming and seeking people to devour... and listen... There are so many times in this journey where the devil sees a lump in the bed... he sees what appears to be a shoo-in victory... and then, just when it appears as if the devil's going to win... Jesus reminds us all-that in the end, there's nothing the devil can do. He doesn't have the power that Jesus has. Jesus is the King of Kings. Jesus is the Lord of Lords... and in the end... only Jesus wins!

Aren't you glad to be on the winning team today?!?

Over the past several weeks in this study, the Lord has revealed to us... so many things ...

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