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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Revelation 12:1-17

It's the End of the World... As We Know It (1 of 5)
Series: It's the End of the World... As We Know It
Jordan Easley
Revelation 12

I'm glad you're here today, because we're jumping back into our study of the book of Revelation. And let me just remind you... It's not Revelation(s)... it's Revelation... there's one revelation in this book and (like 1:1 says...) it's the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Remember... that word 'Revelation' comes from the Greek word 'Apokalypsis' -which means, 'the removal of a veil so that something can be seen.' That word gives us a picture an artist that has his masterpiece covered up with a sheet... and in this moment (this Apokalypsis moment), the artist removes the sheet and reveals his masterpiece to the world.

That's what Jesus does in this book-Jesus is the masterpiece... and Revelation is Jesus removing the veil and revealing his majesty... so that we could know more about who he is today... and also, what he will do in the future.

That's why we're walking through this book... because we want to know more about Jesus... and also because we want to be blessed by him. And you know what? According to [Rev. 1:3] - if we read this book and study this book, we will. That verse says, "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep what is written in it, because the time is near."

That tells us... If we bypass this book, we bypass a blessing... but when we read this book and hear this book and study this book-Jesus tells us-we will be blessed. Anybody want to be blessed today? Then let's go... Today we're going to be in [Revelation 12].

In the first [11 chapters] of this study, we've already seen several things:
We've seen Jesus' return and the rapture of the church... We've also seen the rise of the Antichrist... and a series of judgments that God will unleash on the planet... we've seen 7 seal judgments... and 7 trumpet jud ...

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