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by Brian Mills

Scripture: Exodus 20:14

Title: Do not Commit Adultery (6)
Series: 10 Commandments
Author: Brian Mills
Text: Exodus 20:14

We are in a series on the 10 commandments this summer.

The 1st 4 were all verticle.

No Other Gods
?No Idols
?Don't take God's name in vain
?Remember the Sabbath

The last 6 or all Horizontal

Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor's house;

Remember the 10 commandments are the Anchors God put into place to keep us from being tossed by the winds of the culture.
They do not save you.
?They are here to guide you.

Last week was God ordained how it aligned yet pretty heavy as well. But God used it...

Now let me say upfront...

One of my favorite things about our church is we are an invite culture church.

We long to see the 731,250 people who live in a 15 15-mile radius invited to Together We Church.

We do that through Yard Signs
Hand out Cards
Social media post
Social media sharing
Personal invite's

So weekly we have no less than 10-20 families visit for the first time that we capture.

If you are visiting stop by a tent or out front so we can give you a gift and I text you

So let me say today... you were NOT INVITED b/c the one who invited you thinks you need this sermon.

"Thou shall not commit adultery".

They invited you b/c they love JESUS and JESUS has changed their life.

They love their church.

And they are so excited you are here...

But the text does bring us to a great passage today to challenge us in Do not Commit Adultery.

I know what some of you are thinking...

We will not stay one of the fastest-growing churches in the U.S. if you keep this up preacher. Haha.

Well, I said from day one we will not skip verses just b/c they are hard or challenging. We preach the whole book w/ Truth and Grace.

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