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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Luke 6:38
This content is part of a series.

Title: Giving Like Jesus (6)
Series: The Road Less Traveled
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: Luke 6:38

Turn to Luke 6, as we continue our series "The Road Less Traveled," and today's message is entitled, "Giving Like Jesus." Of all the things we can say about Jesus, we must say that He was and is a giver with a BIG "G". Here's a statement to hang your life on, "He gave His all so that we can have what He gives." When He calls us with "FOLLOW ME", He calls us to be His Disciple. This is indeed the Road so few travel. Conversely, The popular opinion about giving is something I saw a cartoon character say one time; "It's better to give than to receive, SO GIVE."

The attitude of giving set the disciple apart from the crowd like little other. Generally, we have to be taught to give because at our core, we are a selfish and self-centered bunch. Not one person here has had to teach their children or grandchildren to be stingy or selfish, it a natural attribute of fallen man. We can be taught or trained to acquire a less selfish attitude, but Jesus is the cure for selfishness and self-centeredness. When He comes into our life, we begin to take on His attribute and His qualities in this thing called the Christ Life. When we do understand it and live it, we become His conduit to this world and GIVE. (LET'S READ OUR TEXT. PRAYER.)

Please notice those two words in verse 40, "FULLY TRAINED". Can I rephrase this verse? "A disciple is not above or better than His Master, but EVERYONE and ANYONE who is FULLY TRAINED AND thus, a Disciple, will be like his teacher or master." Have you got this picture? He calls everyone who makes the decision to follow Him to become a servant, a warrior, and disciple. In order for us to be all of these out there, He gives us some things so that we can give them to others. We, as His disciples, are HIS conduit to the multitudes, the crowds, the unbelievers, and the lost. Some things we can share.


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