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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Zechariah 14:1-21
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Reign of King Jesus (13)
Series: The Best is Yet to Come
Text: Zechariah 14:1-21
Author: Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to the last chapter of Zechariah, Zechariah 14. We began our study of Zechariah about four months ago, and today we are going to finish this study, a great little book in the Old Testament, second-to-the-last book of the Old Testament. We're entitled this series, "The Best Is Yet to Come," because Zechariah covers a big sweep of history, and it ends with the reign of the Messiah. And for Israel, they've had difficult times. They've had difficult times up to the time of Zechariah, 520 B.C. is when he began to testify and to be a prophet to Israel. Well, we know from Israel's history that difficult times continue, and they're in a difficult time right now as they're in a war with Hamas. But the Lord is coming, and He will fulfill His promises to Israel.

And so, in chapter 14 we see the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ, His return and His reign. And if you've noticed in this series, there's a lot of that message that's in the Book of Zechariah because the best is yet to come for God's people.

You know, there are 1845 references in the Scripture to the second coming of Jesus. Seventeen books of the thirty-nine Old Testament books speak of the second coming of Jesus. Twenty-three of the twenty-seven New Testament books speak of the second coming of Jesus. And one scholar said, "One out of every twenty-five verses in the New Testament has to do with the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. It's one of the principal doctrines in the Bible, that the Lord is coming again.

Now, the Jews, as we've talked about, didn't understand in the Old Testament prophecies that there were two comings. There was His first coming, which they missed because He came as the suffering servant. He came to die. And they just had the second coming in their minds, and in the second coming He comes to rule and reign. So, when He didn't do that ...

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