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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Zechariah 7:1-14
This content is part of a series.

Title: Reality or Religion? (7)
Series: The Best is Yet to Come
Text: Zechariah 7:1-14
Author: Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to Zechariah chapter 7. I want to talk about
"Reality or Religion?"

Now, how many in here remember the days of the CB craze? You remember that when the CBs were really hot? I think it was Smokey and the Bandits that got that going big time. It got a little bit of pub in Smokey and the Bandits. And I think he was taking beer. "There's beer in Texarkana," the song says, but I don't think there was beer in Texarkana at that time. There is now! I remember I was in seventh grade when people were talking about getting on the CB radio, and that was kind of the cool thing to do. There's a specific lingo for that. So they'd say, "What's your handle?" What's a handle? They said, "That's your CB name." And so, you have to come up with a handle. I remember going to my friend, Eddie's house, and he had a CB radio, and we were trying to talk on the radio. It's like just trying to find anybody to talk to. And so, you'd go to channel 19. That was kind of the big channel, you remember, and you had this phrase, "Breaker 19," and if you wanted to talk to somebody, you would ask them a question about a radio check. "Breaker 19 for a radio check. Come in, radio check." That just means that, "Hey, are you hearing me? Am I coming through? Let me know how strong my signal is." "Breaker 19 for a radio check. Come in, radio check." Well, I don't want to talk to you about a radio check, but I do want to talk to you about a heart check. "Come in, heart check."

Now, when, when it comes to the Lord, do you have reality in your relationship with the Lord, or do you just have old, dead, dry religion, just going through the motions, religion? Lots of people have the latter. They don't have a vibrant walk with the Lord, a vibrant relationship with Him. And so, it is good to have a heart check, because as the Scripture makes clear, a letter, R ...

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