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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: 1 Peter 4:12-19
This content is part of a series.

Title: Life's Greatest Certainty (Reality) (13)
Series: 1 Peter
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: 1 Peter 4:12-19

Years ago I called a golfing buddy (a pastor) and asked, "How are you doing?" His response was, "Life is hard and then you die." In other words the only thing is life that is sure is death. Someone once said, "Death and Taxes", but today, who knows?

Truth is truth, no matter where you find it nor who speaks it. Something is either true or it's not. Truth is 'reality.' I asked AI to define 'reality' and, in part, he said, "Reality can be defined as the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined." He goes on to say that reality encompasses many other things and can even be influenced by subjective factors leading to varying perceptions of what is real. Microsoft Co-Pilot begins with, Reality refers to the quality or state of being real. (Explain AI) I would say that 'Reality is what is real (root word)', you can count on, and exists or is going to happen as a part of life.'

Sometime people think that accepting Christ ends all their suffering and pain (which in some ways, may be our fault). So, when suffering comes, the first thing they do is bail out, leave their church, turn their back on their faith, and abandon their "Lord." Either they believed or were told that suffering is not a part of life in Christ. But we live in a fallen world and the fallenness of this world falls on us too.

Our Lord has not promised to keep us FROM difficulty, but to stay with us THROUGH difficulty. He is our constant companion, guide and friend. It rains on the just and the unjust because we live in a fallen world. The words of Peter serve to remind us of how God allows and uses our suffering. (TEXT) I offer 4 thoughts about suffering.

1. Reality of Suffering -vs12 - The word "when" is the dead giveaway. "WHEN" means 'ready or not, it's coming'. The fiery ordeal is the trouble, the struggle, difficulty, pain, and/o ...

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