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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: 1 Peter 4:7-11
This content is part of a series.

Title: Be All You Can Be (12)
Series: 1 Peter
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: 1 Peter 4:7-11

Warren Wiersbe is one of my most favorite writers. I really love his commentaries on the Bible which are called, "the Be series". In this series, he takes every book of the Bible and writes a commentary on that book with the title being "Be". For instance, some of the books are entitled "Be Ready, Be Rich, Be Mature, Be Complete," and more. For you see, God calls us to be before he calls us to do.

As we now have journeyed through first Peter, we have discovered that Peter is a "BE" type of person. This is interesting to me because, as a personality, he was a "Do" person. Now, as he writes to the scattered suffering children of God, trying to assist them in getting through the suffering, he tells them what to both be and do.

There was an old army commercial that reminds me of this text today. That slogan literally said, "be all you can be". With all deference and respect to the military, because I have such great respect for the military, being all you can be can only be accomplished by the one who knows all you can do. That is the designer.

What follows are 7 words that I have lifted out of these 5 verses that tell us how to be all we can be. TEXT

1) Be Comforted - (vs7a) - This is likely a great encouragement to Peter's early readers. Most of them thought the 2nd coming would be in their lifetime and Peter is encouraging them that the end of their suffering is near. Here's the thing we should never forget, Peter had a good handle on the 2nd coming. In 2 Peter 3 he writes, "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day." IN the midst of their suffering and pain, what could be more comforting than the reminder that the end was in sight. Peter knew the Old Testament which said, "Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning." He remembered the pain of the crucifixion and the joy of the resurrection. He offers t ...

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