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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Matthew 9:9-13
This content is part of a series.

Title: Seeing Like Jesus (5)
Series: The Road Less Traveled
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: Matthew 9:9-13

When you become someone's intern, apprentice, and/or disciple, you spend time with them, watch them, learn from them, and ultimately are able to do what they do. Examples would be electrician, plumber, wielder, carpenter, and even a Physician's Assistant. You watch and learn from the "Master (carpenter, electrician, or the like). It's a process, not something that happens instantly.

Interestingly, even in these disciplines, many will begin the process (or journey) and, for one reason for another, quit along the way. So, regardless of the trek, The Road Less Traveled is a journey that requires things like commitment, dedication, or 'stick-to-it-ness' (not a good word but an understood concept) whether a vocational trek or a spiritual trek.

Jesus' calls, all three of them, are simple but, yet not that easy. In Matthew 4:19, they are "follow me" (salvation) and I will make you (sanctification) fishers of men (service or multiplication). This is the road, the path that Jesus calls us to. In Luke 9:23 we hear the same call, "If anyone will come after me (this means walk with or follow me), let him deny himself (salvation), take up His cross (sanctification -die to self), and follow me (in to service or multiplication). The dots of this journey really connect when you add Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 5, "If any man is in Christ (a part of God's family), he is a NEW CREATION (that transformation thus salvation), old things are passed away (that sanctification thru reformation), and behold all things are NEW (that's conformation, service, and multiplication). What the Lord Jesus and the New Testament is setting us up for is this: to be His disciple, to reach many people with His Gospel, and to make a dynamic impact on people around us. Too often, we forget His stated purpose. We read it last week (Luke 19:10 on Screen). When He looks at the world and people ...

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