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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Judges 21:24-25
This content is part of a series.

"When Right is Wrong" (10 of 10)
Series: Judges - Before There Were Kings
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Primary Scripture: Judges 21:24-25

There's an island just outside of the coast of Morocco, part of the Canary Islands known as Tenerife. It's the largest of the seen Canary Islands. Most of us are not very familiar with that part of the world, but I was reading this week about an airline disaster that happened on that island. On March 27, 1977, two planes, 747s, collided on the airstrip there at the Tenerife Airport, a Pan-Am jet and a KLM Royal Dutch jet. They collided. Now, the situation was such that it was kind of the perfect storm. They had a bomb scare at the major airport that they used that the planes would fly in to, so they had to fly into this other airport. And that airport, because of the way things were, it's not a very big airport, and the fog had set in on that day. And the pilots were having to wait and wait and wait and wait. The passengers, wait and wait and wait. And they were anxious to get going. Well, the pilot for KLM thought he heard from the air traffic controller that he was cleared for takeoff, but that's not what the man said. And as he sped down the runway with his plane filled with people, he ran straight head-on into the other plane that was trying to taxi. It was awful. Five hundred and eighty-three people died as the planes burst into flame. Only sixty-one people were able to survive from two planes filled with people. The report said that the KLM pilot was obviously in the wrong, but he thought he was in the right. He did what was right, so he thought, in getting the plane off the ground, but it was terribly wrong.

Now, we've been in a series on the Book of Judges for the last ten weeks. This is the tenth message in the series. And today, we want to talk about "When Right is Wrong."

Judges is summed up in the last two verses of Judges chapter 21. It says in verse 24, "The sons of Israel departed from there at ...

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