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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Judges 6:1-40, Judges 7:1-25
This content is part of a series.

"The Goodness of God" (5 of 10)
Series: Judges - Before There Were Kings
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Primary Scripture: Judges 6-7

Are you familiar with a caricature? You know, a caricature is a picture of a person that's distorted. It takes some feature of that person and distorts it to where you can still kind of tell, well, that's the person, but they don't really look like that. It's some kind of comic distortion or some kind of grotesque distortion. And people do that a lot of times with sidewalk vendors. They'll say, "Hey, I'll draw your picture and we'll have this caricature of you and your wife, you and your girlfriend," that kind of thing. Well, I want to show you some caricatures and see how well you do at figuring out who this famous person is.

Here's the first caricature. Does everybody know who that is? Yeah, Will Smith. And I'm not saying anything about his wife. But that's Will Smith.

See if you can get this one. Julia Roberts. There she is. She does have a lot of teeth, but that's distorted.

How about this one? Adam Sandler, little pinhead, and there he is in real life. He looks a lot better. Okay. You can go to the next one

You don't know her? Jennifer Aniston, very pretty lady. Not so pretty in the caricature.

And we have one more. Not Mr. McGoo. That is Daniel Craig. Now, Daniel Craig is a sharp-looking guy. Didn't look so good in the caricature.

Now, when we think about caricatures in the spiritual realm, the devil wants to draw a picture that you hang in your mind of what God looks like - not the real picture of God that we get from Scripture, but a distorted, grotesque picture of God. Something where you take one of God's attributes and you blow it up to the detriment of the others. So, the Bible says Jesus is full of grace and truth. Well, the devil wants to blow up the truth and minimize the grace - to create some kind of a distortion that you have in your mind about God. Now, A.W. Tozer, the ...

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