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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Judges 3:1-31
This content is part of a series.

"Can God Use Someone Like Me?" (3 of 10)
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Series: Judges - Before There Were Kings
Primary Scripture: Judges 3:1-31

If you have your Bible, please turn to the Book of Judges chapter 3.

When I went off to college in August of 1980, I had just been a Christian for a few months. I became a Christian toward the end of my senior year in high school. And I remember going off to college. I got involved in a discipleship group, and I was in this group with the guys that had been Christians a whole lot longer than I had been. And they were able to pray really eloquently, and they knew a lot of the Bible. I didn't know much of the Bible. I was very nervous to pray out loud. And I would hear guys get up to teach or the preacher of our church get up to preach, and people sing, and people witness. I was with my discipleship leader when he witnessed, and it was the first time I had seen somebody do that. And he quoted Scripture, and he was just so fluid and just so smooth. And I remember thinking to myself, could I ever do that? Could I ever just talk to a total stranger about Jesus and quote a verse of Scripture that would be appropriate? Do I have what it takes for God to use me? Could God really use someone like me? Now, I think that's a question that lots of us have, because maybe we say, "Well, you know, I don't have the family background. I didn't grow up in a Christian home. I wonder if God can use me. I don't know as much as a lot of other people do about the Bible. I don't know if God could use me. Maybe you have these struggles in your life, and you wonder, well, I'm so far from perfect. Could God really use someone like me? Well, that's our focus today as we study the Book of Judges, "Can God Use Someone Like Me?" And we're going to see in Judges that God uses an assortment of people. They're not all the same. And in Judges 3, we run into three judges who are very, very different from one another, and God used them all.

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