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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Judges 2:6-23, Judges 3:1-8
This content is part of a series.

"The Danger Zone" (2 of 10)
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Series: Judges - Before There Were Kings
Primary Scripture: Judges 2:6-3:8

If you have your Bible, please turn to the Book of Judges, Judges chapter 2. We started a series on Judges last week, called "Before There Were Kings.
and we're going to continue with that today.

Well, I heard a story years ago about a little second-grade boy. His name was Johnny. And Johnny was making ugly faces at the girls in his class. And his teacher, Mrs. Johnson saw what he was doing and she didn't like it. And she called Johnny to her desk, and she looked at him, and she said, "Johnny, when I was a little girl, my father told me that if I made ugly faces, my face would stay that way." And he said, "Well, Mrs. Johnson, you can't say you weren't warned."

"Before There Were Kings" is our title for this series, the Book of Judges. Now, the Book of Judges serves as a warning to us today. See, it's a tragic book on one side because it's a book of faithlessness and failure by God's people. It's a triumphant book on the other side because it shows how God responds when we cry out to Him, and God brings about a great deliverance. You know, when we talk about judges, don't ever get the idea we're talking about some kind of judicial person. A judge in the Book of Judges is a military deliverer. God would raise them up to deliver His people. But the Book of Judges has so much tragedy in it, so much disappointment when you read and you can't understand why the people of God keep forsaking the LORD. Well, it serves as a warning. First Corinthians chapter 10 tells us, "All these things happened to them (God's Old Testament people) as examples for others, and they were written down as a warning for us. For we live at a time when the end is about to come." They serve as warnings. Hey, don't do what they did. Don't follow in their faithless footsteps. Because if you do, you will experience the same difficulties and distres ...

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