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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Judges 1:1-36
This content is part of a series.

"Iron Chariots" (1 of 10)
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Series: Judges - Before There Were Kings
Primary Scripture: Judges 1-2

If you have your Bible, please turn to the Old Testament, the Book of Judges. The Book of Judges is right after Joshua. And we are beginning a series today on the Book of Judges. It will take us through the book about ten weeks long, and so much to learn. Such great narratives in the Book of Judges. And the Book of Judges has Old Testament stories, physical situations that happened that have a spiritual meaning, so they're Old Testament realities that have spiritual meaning for us as New Testament saints.

Well, the Book of Judges takes place after the death of Joshua. You have a period in there, from the death of Joshua, who took over from Moses. Remember, God used Moses to take the people out of Egypt, through the Red Sea. They were supposed to go into the Promised Land, but they didn't because they couldn't sing the song we just sang, "God, we believe." They didn't believe. They didn't believe God, so they wandered around in the wilderness for forty years. Moses wasn't able to go into the Promised Land because he sinned greatly against God. He was supposed to speak to the rock, and he struck the rock. And God said, "Because you did not keep Me and present Me as holy before the people, here are the consequences of that: you're not going to enter into the Promised Land." And so, the mantle went to Joshua. And Joshua led them into the Promised Land. Joshua is a book of conquests and victory. And then, on the heels of the Book of Joshua, you have Judges. Judges begins with the death of Joshua. And as the Book of Joshua is a book of conquest and victory, Judges, sadly, is a book of compromise and defeat. Joshua is a book of faith, and Judges is a book of failure, failure because of disobedience and unbelief. Joshua is a book of unity, but Judges is a book of division and a book of anarchy. And one of the key verses in the Boo ...

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