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by Tim Melton

Scripture: Ephesians 6:17-20

Title: Praying in the Spirit (1)
Series: Prayer
Text: Ephesians 6:17-20
Author: Tim Melton

Have you seen the latest phones?

It is incredible what they can do and the future phones will have even more. Researchers are now working on Photonic Crystal Displays, AR-Powered Construction Modeling, Brain-Computer Interfaces, and Air Quality Sensors.

Modern phones are capable of so much, but studies suggest that we as users only use about 30-40% of our phone's capabilities regularly.

Those of you who are younger might not be able to imagine that years ago phones were used just to talk to another person.

Today we are starting a new series. It will not be focused on talking to people, instead we will be focused on talking with God.

For some, praying seems to be even more complicated than using their cell phone. They don't know what to say, and how to say it, and when to say it, and will God even listen when they do say it?

In this series we will be looking at different passages of scripture that speak on prayer. Our hope is that by the time we are done we will have a more complete understanding of prayer and through prayer be drawn into a deeper relationship with God than we have known before.

Today we will begin by looking to the Apostle Paul's letter to the church in the city of Ephesus. The name Ephesus meant "desirable" and the city seemed to live up to the name. The city had the biggest harbor in all of Asia. It was the crossroads between continents. All the roads from as far of as the Euphrates and Mesopotamia reached the Mediterranean at Ephesus, where their goods would then be taken to Europe and northern Africa. The city was very multicultural and given to pleasure and superficiality.

Commerce had made Ephesus strong, but also religion. In Ephesus was the magnificent temple of Artemis or as the Romans referred to her as the goddess Diana. The temple held over 24,000 people and was known as one of the seven wonders of the ancient ...

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