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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Daniel 12:1-13

Title: When the Curtain Falls (12 of 12)
Series: Daniel-Kingdoms, Chaos and the Sovereignty of God
Text: Daniel 12
Text: Tim Badal

Let me review a couple things for those who may be new with us. We've been studying this book since the beginning of January and today we come to chapter 12. It was written by the major prophet Daniel 600 years before the coming of Jesus Christ to Nazareth. In it we've seen the comings and goings of Daniel's life, as a refugee, a slave and a foreigner. He was taken as hostage by an army that invaded his country. He was taken from family and friends, ending up in Babylon, 700 miles from home. We've seen how God has ministered to Daniel, and how Daniel has modeled what faith amidst great hardship looks like. It's a reminder that God will do the same for us in our lives as well.

We've also seen in the second half of the book prophetic predictions that were given to Daniel. Some of these were fulfilled between the time when Daniel lived and when Jesus lived on earth, but other prophecies in this book have yet to be fulfilled. A lot of what we'll talk about today, we as a church believe is still in the future.

With that introduction, I want to read Daniel 12 with you. I'm going to go through it slowly. Even though it's one of the shorter chapters in the book, it's also quite confusing. We're not going to address every point in every verse, but I want to be sure you understand what's going on in the text. So I'll be stopping along the way to give some commentary.

Daniel 12:1: "At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince." Michael is one of the chief angels in God's myriad of angels who worship and serve Him. Michael is an archangel, which is the highest echelon of angels, and he serves as an angelic prince over the people of God. "And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found w ...

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