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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:1-23
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Collin Wimberly
2 Samuel 6

CIT- David brings the Ark into Jerusalem

Proposition - Worship must be done God's way.


The Ark of God was the most sacred of all the furniture that was to rest in the Tabernacle. Under the reign of Saul, the Tabernacle and the ark had all but been forgotten.

In I Samuel 4 Israel is defeated by the Philistines and the Ark of God is taken. Eli's wicked sons Hophni and Phinehus attempt to take the ark into battle like some kind of magical talisman.

The Philistines return the ark to Kiriath-Jearim - chp. 7 Their idols have been broken and their people infected with tumors and plagued with mice because of God's displeasure.

They send the ark back to Israel on a cart - It came to a stop on the field of Joshua the Beth-shemite. Some of the men of Beth-Shemesh looked into the ark and because of God's displeasure - over 50,000 men died.
The ark came to rest in the house of Abinadab in Kiriath-jearim. So it stayed there during the reign of Saul.

What was the Ark? The Ark was the presence of God among His people. The ark was made of wood, it was a rectangular box, gold-plated inside and out. On top of this chest was a see-through covering made of Gold, called the Mercy Seat. At each end of the covering were golden angels facing each other, with wings outstretched over the Mercy seat.

Inside the Ark were three objects - a golden jar containing manna from the wilderness, Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant of the law. God had promised that he would meet with His people above the Mercy seat.

Wherever the ark was placed, the glory of God rested there. Since this ark represented the presence of Jehovah, it was the holiest place on earth.

This chapter gives us some important lesson on what may be one of the most controversial subjects in the church today. Worship.

Let's look closely and discover the Trut ...

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