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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: 1 Samuel 24:1-22, 1 Samuel 26:1-25
This content is part of a series.

ENEMY MINE (6 of 14)
Collin Wimberly
I Samuel 24, 26

INTRODUCTION: Movie, Enemy mine.

In the distant future, as the galaxy is being colonized, the human race goes to war against the Dracs, a intelligent reptilian race from the planet Draco as both races fight over the control of many worlds. During a space battle, space pilot Willis Davidge crashes on Fryine IV, a volcanic planet. Willis finds he isn't alone and finds a Drac named Jeriba Shigan has also crashed on the planet. Both stranded on Fryine IV, Both Davidge and Jeriba both put aside their differences and their hatred for each other as they both try to survive on the planet, where they learn of each others cultures and form a friendship.

Well, that makes for a fine story line, although the movie was terrible.

How do we deal with our enemies? David is a wonderful example to us of how we are Christians are to act toward our enemies.

Chapters 24 and 26 tell the story of two encounters that David has with Saul. One in a cave and the other in Saul's Camp. Each time David has the opportunity to do harm to King Saul, even to kill him if he chooses to, but each time he des not.

In each of these encounters David refuses to pay back evil for evil. He refuses to get even, or to act in vengeance.

Chp. 24 - THE CAVE -

A) vs. 1 - David is in the wilderness of Engedi located on the western shore of the Dead Sea. It is an oasis in the desert and wilderness that surrounds it. There is fresh water and lush vineyards. It is a perfect place for David to hide because the region is permeated with caves.

B) Vs. 2 - 3,000 chosen men - Saul means business. He intends to kill David and his men. You sense the bitterness in Saul. He's making all the wrong decisions. His heart is hard.

C) Vs. 3 - Saul is after him and goes into one of the caves to use the bathroom, it just happens to be the very cave that David and his men are hiding in ...

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