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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:1-4, 1 Samuel 18:19-20
This content is part of a series.

FRIENDS (4 of 14)
Collin Wimberly
I Samuel 18:1-4; 19-20

CIT - David and Jonathon shared a lasting and God-centered relationship.

It doesn't matter how old you are, all of us need good friends.

Studies tell us that fewer and fewer people today say they have the kind of friendship that they need and desire. Our world is too fast paced, too goal oriented. We are so focused on reaching our goals and making things happen that we forget what makes life good is not stuff, but people.

In his autobiography Just As I Am, Billy Graham recalls a story demonstrating that true greatness is not defined by wealth or fame, but by character.

Some years ago Ruth and I had a vivid illustration of this on an island in the Caribbean. One of the wealthiest men in the world had asked us to come to his lavish home for lunch. He was 75 years old, and throughout the entire meal he seemed close to tears. "I am the most miserable man in the world," he said. "Out there is my yacht. I can go anywhere I want to. I have my private plane, my helicopters. I have everything I want to make my life happy, yet I am as miserable as hell." We talked to him and prayed with him, trying to point him to Christ, who alone gives lasting meaning to life.

We have to understand two truths before we begin.

Friendship will not solve all our ills. We need Christ as Lord of our life to experience life and eternity as we were intended to. Real friendships are built around our walk with Christ.

All of us need friends - real friends are hard to come by. The kind of friendship we will discuss in these verses doesn't happen every day. In fact, if you have 2-3 people that you can truly call a friend in your lifetime you are fortunate.

Yet, many of these characteristics should be found in all believers!

What is friendship? We are talking about more than people with whom we are acquainted. I Samuel 18:1 is probably the best definition ...

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