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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:1-30
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Collin Wimberly
I Samuel 18

CIT - Saul becomes the enemy of David through his jealousy and envy.

Proposition- Envy is a deadly sin that Christians must repent of and be watchful for.


Shakespeare called Envy "the green sickness." Bacon admitted "it has no holidays." Horace declared that "Tyrants never invented a greater torment." Barrie said "It is the most corroding of the vices. Sheridan referred to it in his play The Critic when he wrote. "There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as this." Philip Bailey, the eloquent English Poet of yesteryear vividly described it as "a coat that comes hissing hot from hell."

What is envy?

Galatians 5:21 and Romans 1:29-32 list envy as one of the acts of a sinful nature.

Webster's Dictionary: Envy: "a feeling of antagonism towards someone because of some good which he is enjoying but which one does not have oneself || a coveting for oneself of the good which someone else is enjoying..."

What will Envy do?

Envy will cripple us. It will eat away at our hearts and spirits and cause us to do and say things that harm others.

Proverbs 14:30 "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."

Saul is a case study in the dangerous effects of envy. Saul is the first king of Israel. He is well-loved by the people. Yet, Saul has not been obedient to the Lord, and because of this has lost the blessing of God's anointing.

In Chp. 17 we meet a young man named David. A young man full of the Spirit of God and one powerfully blessed by God. In Chp. 17 he slays the giant Goliath.

In Chp. 18 David's career takes off. The people love him, the soldiers love him, the ladies love him, he is the most popular guy in the Kingdom. In response to this, Saul becomes more and more envious and jealous.

We see a downward progression of envy and jealousy in the life of Saul.

Saul's life in ...

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