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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: 1 Kings 18:41-45
This content is part of a series.

Title: Effective Prayer (4 of 7)
Series: The Chronicles of Elijah
Author: Collin Wimberly
Text: 1 Kings 18:41-45


We need effective prayer at PBC. Over the next several months I will ask our long-range planning team and our staff, our trustees to look closely at our church life.

I believe this will be a very important time for us - therefore I want to ask you to pray.

Every Wed. would you set aside time to pray for PBC? To go a step further, I want to ask you to consider fasting breakfast and lunch every Wed. as you pray for PBC, the staff, and our future.

Elijah was a man of effective prayer.
James 1:16-17

How can we pray effectively?

Elijah gives us a wonderful model in I Kings 18:41-45


Vs. 41 - Go up and eat and drink. Elijah knows the heart of Ahab. You would think he would be repent of his idolatry. You would think he would tear down the altars of baal that he has built and proclaim Jehovah as the one true God.

He's more concerned about lunch. God eat - while I go pray.

Prayer must be a priority for us. It must be the most important activity of our day. We can never allow ourselves to become too busy to pray.

Quote: Martin Luther - I have so much to do today that I must spend 4 hours in prayer!

Prayer is the language of our hearts. It is the desire of the converted. All true believers have this deep sense that we need to pray that we should pray and a desire to pray.

Every day we live, wrote missionary Amy Carmichael, we have to choose whether we should follow in the way of Ahab or of Elijah.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.

II) PRAY THE PROMISES OF GOD - I am convinced that Elijah's prayer life was so effective, so strong, because he believed the promises of God.

He was convinced that God keeps His Word. God had promised there would be rain, so Elijah prayed.

The bible is full of promises - one writer ...

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