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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: 1 Kings 17:1-24
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Seminary of the Soul (2 of 7)
Series: The Chronicles of Elijah
Author: Collin Wimberly
Text: 1 Kings 17

CIT - At Cherith and Zerapapth God develops Elijah into a great man of God.
Proposition - Before a person can be used by God they must learn the lessons that Elijah learned in Cherith and Zerapapth.

1) Encourage believers to grow spiritually.

2) Help believers understand the processes that God uses to develop spiritual maturity.

3) Lead people who do not know Christ to a saving relationship with Him.


In 17:1 He is introduced as Elijah the Tishbite, in 17:24 he is introduced as a man of God by a woman in Zeraphath , "now I know that you are a man of God."

Something happens in between these two statements.

3 ½ years happens, but there is much more than the passing of time that occurs. Elijah finds himself enrolled in the seminary of the soul. The lessons he learns prepare him for what lies ahead. Elijah will perform mighty miracles. He will single-handedly turn the nation of Israel back to God. He will expose the religion of Baal and embarrass and eradicate the priests of Baal. He will pray down fire on the altar of God and rain on a parched land. He will hear the still, small voice of God speak to him.

All of this is possible because of what happens to him in this 3 ½ year period.


He learns to go where God sends him without question and without hesitation.

Vs. 2 - Then the Word of the Lord came to him. In vs. 1 he speaks God pronouncement to Ahab. Now God gives him next assignment. Go and hide by the brook Cherith. Then in vs. 8 God speaks again, "Arise and go to Zarepath to live there, I have commanded a widow to provide for you.

Obedience is necessary if you wish to be used by God. A disobedient believer is arrogant and useless to God.

God leads Elijah step by step. God did not give Elijah a three ½ year master plan for hi ...

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