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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: 1 Kings 17:1
This content is part of a series.

Title: Standing Up and Standing Out (1 of 7)
Series: The Life of Elijah
Author: Collin Wimberly
Text: 1 Kings 17:1

I Kings 17:1

CIT - Elijah calls out a famine against the wickedness and idololatry of Israel.
Proposition - Elijah was a man who stood up for God and stood out of the crowd.


Martin Luther - Luther appeared before the Diet at Worms

on April 17, 1521. Luther's appearance at the Imperial Diet was described as objective, clever and well thought out. He had to appear before the Emperor twice; each time he was clearly told to take back his teachings. Luther didn't see any proof against his theses or views which would move him to recant: "Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason - I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other - my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen."

Because of Luther Stood up in the face of Catholic superstition and rampant immorality, the reformation caught fire and the history was changed.

William Wilberforce -
For 46 years William Wilberforce fought for the end of the African slave trade in England. From 1787 - 1833 he fought the battle in parliament. His cause was defeated 11 times before its passage in 1807. And still the battle for abolishing slavery itself did not gain the decisive victory until three days before he died in 1833. He was man committed to God and to the truth of God's Word. Even when it seemed that everyone else around him was afraid to stand for what was right - he stood up and stood out - and changed England.

We some people like this in the Church today. We need some men and woman who will stand for Christ and his Word in this immoral and unbelieving age. The world needs some students in college, high school and middle school who stand for God, speak up for God, and stand out f ...

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