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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: 1 Peter 5:7-11
This content is part of a series.

Title: Finding the Way to Live (15)
Series: 1 Peter
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: 1 Peter 5:7-11

Last week we ended with verse 7 (Casting all your cares upon Him because He cares for you - what a great reminder, promise, and help). But verse 7 is also a revelation. Peter doesn't say, "If you have any or get any 'cares' cast them (place them on) Him," instead he speaks like "THOSE CARES THAT I KNOW YOU HAVE because everyone has them, cast them on Jesus.
Two words jump out at us: 1) Cares - The idea of a 'care' (burden) is something of a distraction. Anything that distract you from follow Christ is a care. Certainly, the Jewish people Peter was writing to, of the dispersion, carried many burdens, cares, and distraction. This can be anything that even gives you a feeling of distress or a problem. Peter knew this very well, so he told us where to take this; "Cast your cares and burdens on HIM." 2) To cast means exactly what we would guess it means, "To throw upon," "to hand off the responsibility for", or 'make someone else responsible." But there's more in this meaning, "You cast it on Him and You quit worrying about it." Why? Because you have entrusted your cares, burdens, distractions, to Him. How cool is that? In this one verse we are given an answer that can change our lives. But Peter isn't through, he wants to help these people (and us) be victorious in our lives. Let's read verses 8-11.

He now speaks to us about 2 relationships that we need to keep in front of us. There is an old saying, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Peter reminds us of our enemy (Adversary) offering a warning and our friend (Advocate) offering us hope in the midst of it all. This is easy to see in the text.

1. Our Adversary - We have an adversary. This is someone who opposes us, someone who wants to make us fail, and someone who doesn't really care about our well-being. Peter knows Satan very well. Think about it, in Luke 22:31, Jesus told Peter that Satan had as ...

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