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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Luke 19:1-10
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Revealed Destination (4 of 8)
Series: The Road Less Traveled
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: Luke 19:1-10

Please turn to Luke 19. As we will read, Jesus called Zacchaeus down from a tree, went to his house, ate a meal, and spent time with the chief of sinners, by the way, this was over the objection of the church people. Why did He do this? It was and is because Jesus Christ came into the world 'to seek and to save that which is lost.' And I'm glad He did. Probably the only one who is a "chefer" sinner than Zach is me and I am thankful every day for His salvation based on His grace, mercy, and love. But the story doesn't end there. Jesus came to Zacchaeus - like He comes to us and offers salvation. But the salvation He brings us, doesn't end there with that one meal, that one feel good session, and that one time of getting to know Jesus. A 'real-life' encounter with Jesus leads to attitude change which leads to making amends which ultimately leads to action. Jesus calls for us to 'come to Him' and then, 'go to them.'

Too often, we think we have been saved and 'that is the end of it.' Because we are Baptist and believe the Bible teaches eternity security, we pray a prayer, get baptized, take our seat among the brethren, and wait for our eternal reward, because after all, that is why Jesus died to saved us. Yet, that is not at all why Jesus died.

Last Wednesday, I reminded those present that Jesus died to make us right with the Father, this is the purpose for which He came. We needed a bridge between sinful man (us) and Holy God (the Heavenly Father) and the cross of Jesus became that bridge. I want you to see a diagram that will burn this into our minds. (SHOW THE AUTOMATED BRIDGE PPT). When we cross the bridge of faith whose superstructure is the cross of Jesus, we enter a whole new realm of life.

As I read and study God's word see the lives of Abram, Joseph, David, Isaiah, Andrew, Peter, John, James, Paul, and even Zacchaeus, I am convinced ...

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