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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Psalms 139:1-14, Ephesians 2:10
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Real Correction (3 of 8)
Series: The Road Less Traveled
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: Psalms 139:1-14, Ephesians 2:10

Recently, I ran across this quote, "Smart men walked on the moon, daring men walked on the ocean floor, but wise men walk with God." I don't know who said it, but it is true. It takes a wise man (person) to walk with God. The Bible teaches us that when we walk with God, we do walk the Road Less taken because Jesus tells us that it is a 'straight and narrow road and only few find it.' Yet, this is what we are being called to do, every man and woman, boy and girl, old and young - to walk with Christ.

We began this journey by IDENTIFYING with Christ by saying "YES" to Him. Like this, "Follow me" - "YES", "I will make you become", "YES", "fisher for people" - "YES." Saying 'yes' to Jesus is more than a onetime choice, it's a daily event. It's the process where we identify with Him. So we IDENTIFY WITH HIM!!.

As we walk with Him, we get to know Him better, you might say, "INTIMATELY." Said another way, we recognize His voice, we see His workings, and we know when He's present. This familiarity (intimacy) comes when we "Abide (Remain) in Him, are led by the Holy Spirit to become grounded in His word, and thus, become dependent on prayer. (how do we know) A thought, when we don't depend on prayer, we depend on SELF - and to Jesus that's unacceptable because it's unprofitable for the Kingdom.

The next logical or natural step is literally a "CORRECTION" based on "INSTRUCTION." The sad truth is that the church (me included) have, in days past, functioned like 'when someone gets saved they automatically KNOW what to do and how to live.' While this comes from a good place (faith), we'd argue from a Biblical view, it's flawed. We are called to be disciples and you never naturally grow into a disciple because 'the pull of the culture is always away from becoming a disciple.' In fact, this may "one of the most neglected parts of the church" ...

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