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by Tim Melton

Scripture: Acts 2:1-47
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Wind of the Spirit (2 of 10)
Tim Melton
Series: Acts
Acts 2

In 1904 the Welsh Revival began. It was a spiritual awakening that began to sweep through many towns and churches across Wales. The following description was given of what happened amongst the people of that day.

"Not only were individual lives changed by the power of the Holy Spirit, but whole communities were changed indeed society itself was changed - Wales was again a God-fearing nation.

Public houses (pubs, taverns, bars, drinking establishments) became almost empty. Men and women who used to waste their money in getting drunk were now saving it, giving it to help their churches, buying clothes and food for their families. And not only drunkenness, but stealing and other offences grew less and less so that often a magistrate came to court and found there were no cases for him.

Men whose language had been filthy before learnt to talk purely. It is related that not only did the colliers (coal miner) put in a better day's work, but also that the pit ponies turned disobedient! The ponies were so used to being cursed and sworn at that they just didn't understand when orders were given in kind, clean words! The dark tunnels underground in the mines echoed with the sounds of prayer and hymns, instead of oaths and nasty jokes and gossip.

People who had been careless about paying their bills, or paying back money they had borrowed, paid up all they owed. People who had not been friends for a long time because of something that had happened in the past, forgot their quarrels and were happy together again."

The Welsh Revival was truly a work of the Holy Spirit but it was not the first time the wind of the Spirit had blown in an unexplainable way. We will look today at the initial coming of the Holy Spirit that is recorded in Acts 2.

In the book of Luke, we read of what Jesus did and what He taught, until His return to heaven. The book of Acts, Luke's second book, begins right ...

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