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by Jeff Strite

Scripture: Psalms 23:1-6
This content is part of a series.

Sermon: Choose Your Shepherd (3)
Sermon Series: The Choices We Make
Preacher: Jeff Strite
Text: Psalm 23:1-6

In September of 1938, a man from Long Island purchased a barometer. When it arrived in the mail he was disappointed to find that the needle appeared to be stuck. It pointed to the sector on the barometer that was marked "hurricane." He SHOOK the barometer several times... but the needle never moved. So, he sat down and wrote an angry letter to the company and mailed it the next morning as he drove into New York City. That night, when he returned home, he discovered that the barometer missing... and so was his house. The barometer had been right. While he'd been gone, a hurricane had come and destroyed his house.

That man didn't TRUST the barometer, and it nearly cost him his life. (Pause) What (or Who) you trust... can make all the difference in your life. The 23rd Psalm is a Psalm about TRUST - trusting in God. "The Lord is my shepherd... I shall not want." I TRUST HIM!

ILLUS: There was a Sunday school teacher who asked her class if any of them could quote the entire twenty-third psalm. A little four-and-a-half-year-old girl raised her hand. She stood up and said: "The Lord is my shepherd, and that's all I want." ("I Shall Not Want", a book by Robert Ketchum)

In Psalm 23 - David is essentially telling us - God is MY shepherd and He's all I want. I TRUST Him! In fact, David trusted his entire life to God. God was all that David wanted! And Psalm 23 was David's way of telling us that he knew how much God loved Him and protected him.

ILLUS: Now, the problem is... a lot of people struggle with that. There was study published by USA Today a few years back. They found that over 31% of Americans saw God as "Authoritarian." He was almost always angry. He wanted us to shape up and fly right. And if we didn't - He'd punish us. About 16% of Americans pictured God as "Critical" and "Judgmental." He was still unhappy with us, but He has no intenti ...

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