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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:1-40

Title: Marriage. Sex. Singleness (13)
Series: 1 Corinthians
Author: Robert Dawson
Text: 1 Corinthians 7

One mother had dismissed the idea of a generation gap until one conversation with her preteen daughter about boys and dating. While talking with her daughter, she mentioned how important it was for her to remain chaste. Her daughter, rather surprised by that statement responded, "But why mom? I'd rather do the chasing instead of being chased!"

The language, how we talk about it, may have changed, but the pull and danger of sexual immorality remains the same. Something else that has not changed are God's guidelines and principles for sexual purity.

Historically, people's opinions have been all over the map concerning sexual-ethics and marriage. For many, this issue is a moral and ethical swamp that is difficult to navigate. These Issues have always invited questions and struggles - even within the church.

This was certainly true of the church in Corinth. We have already seen that sexual purity and immorality was not only a problem in their culture but in their church. There appears to have been two very different responses to the issue of sexual desire and activity within the church.

More than two different responses, there were two extreme responses.

That is usually what happens when there is disagreement, and each side of the issue feels compelled to win the argument and make their point. They run to the extremes and often end up living in the extremes which rarely prove to be right.

One group felt they were free to do what they wanted and satisfy their physical desires without any consequence. They believed the body, which was going to die and decay, was morally and spiritually irrelevant therefore whatever you wanted to do was perfectly acceptable.

The body was for food, alcohol and sex, pastimes of every indulgent culture.

Boundaries were irrelevant. The physical did not have spiritual implications for their lives.

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