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by Brian Mills

Scripture: Exodus 20:7

Title: 10 Commandments (3)
Series: 10 Commandments
Author: Brian Mills
Text: Exodus 20:7

Now as we study Ex 20 I have made this statement weekly...

the 10 commandments are the Anchors God put into place to keep us from being tossed by the winds of the culture

Anchors are to hold a boat in place when the winds and waves are trying to push it away.

Anchors hold your stuff down in your backyard when the wind comes.

If you don't have to wait on it then it will be blown wherever the wind wants it to go.

That is why God gave us the 10 commandments.

Not as a list of DON'Ts but as 10 words that can Anchor us in place as the winds and the waves of the culture try to blow us around.

Without these Anchors, we would make a mockery of God with our lives.

So we have looked at:

1. No Other gods!

2. No Idols

3. Not to use God's name in Vain

The 2 Reminders as we do this series....

1. You are not saved by obeying the 10 commandments or following them. You can do nothing to earn your salvation. It is a free gift through Jesus that you must choose to accept.

2. None of us get them all right all the time

Let's read Ex 20:7 [NIV] You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

Now you read this and I know what you are thinking. He is about to give us a sermon on using profanity.

Yet, this Word or Commandment as we call it today has so much more meaning than "Just don't use God's name in a cuss word."

Let's dive deeper into the 3rd commandment...

1. This ANCHOR calls us to HONOR God's name

It is putting on the Jersey.

Mills has a standard.

TWC car sticker on my car - has HONOR - no perfect people allowed

In the same God's name (650+ in the bible) is to be Honored

Here we find the name Lord (YHWH) God (Elohim)

You know the early Jewish writers would not even spell out YAHWEH

They would s ...

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