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by David Cawston

Scripture: Revelation 12:10, James 4:8

Title: Abiding in Christ
Author: David Cawston
Text: Revelation 12:10, James 4:8

Devotion. How to Have an Abiding Relationship with Christ

Oswald Chambers said that "The battle of prayer is against two things: Wandering thoughts and lack of intimacy with God...neither can be cured at one, but they can be cured by discipline.

Charles Spurgeon said: I would rather teach one man to pray than ten men to preach!

While on earth Jesus taught us how-to live-in relationship with God!

In John 14 He declared that He is the vine, the nourishment and source of life.

As branches we are the expression of His life.
It takes discipline and time to learn to abide in Christ.
Here are some helpful steps!

1. Talk daily to Jesus and listen for His response.!

Prayers is not one sided it is a conversation.
He wants to talk to you!
He is saying "Talk to me!"
He allows us to set the pace of the conversation.
If we start, He will continue the conversation as long as we do!
Remember talking also involves listening!
He wants to have a conversation with you!

You say I can't hear His voice?
Why don't you start the conversation!
You are waiting for Him and He is waiting for you,

Illus: Men's retreat.

Lord what offends you in my life?
Lord what pleases you in my life?

2. Realize that this is a battle to establish that relationship!

Stop the enemy from interrupting your close relationship with Christ!
How continue to apply His promises to your life!

If we have confessed our sins to Him then I do not need to be ashamed!
Our failures and sins have been forgotten and separated from us as far as the east is from the west.

But the enemy wants to remind us of our sins and failures.

He want to make you feel unworthy!

He uses your emotions such as

Shame - fear - guilt - rejection

They rise up to challenge what God says in His Word about His ...

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