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by Craig Smith

Scripture: John 1:36-51
This content is part of a series.

Title: Come and See (5 of 5)
Series: Small Steps
Author: Craig Smith
Text: John 1:36

[00:00:00] So I want to talk to you today about how to make a dramatic improvement in somebody else's life. I know some of you are like, what about me? We've been talking about you. This whole series has been about you. Okay. Last six weeks, we've been talking about areas of our lives where God invites us to take small next steps.
And if we do that, we'll end up in places we never thought possible, end up being people we never thought possible. It's all been about you. Today, we're going to talk about how to help somebody else get to a place or become a person that they never thought. And to do that, God led me to lead you to a story at the beginning of the Gospel of John.

So if you want to grab a Bible, or open up the Mission Hills app, we're going to be in John chapter 1, starting in verse 35. By the way, Gospel of John, I was talking to kind of a new Christian recently, and he was like, The Gospel of John is really confusing to me. I said, Why? He goes, Well, I don't really get what it's about, because it's like, You know, it says it's the gospel of John.
And then the first couple stories are about this guy named John's is like, oh, it's, it's about this guy. And then like he disappears and this Jesus dude shows up [00:01:00] and he's like the main character. I'm like, well, the gospel of John was written by a different guy than the Baptist John, which is the first stories about John.
And he's like, it's the same name. They're different guys. I was like, yeah. He's like, well, that's dumb. Like that's really confusing. Right? I mean, it's the gospel of John and it starts off with John and but it's not about John. Like, well, yeah, that's how you know it's real, right? I mean, if you're writing fiction, you gotta be really careful to give everybody a different name.
But if you're dealing with history, you just got, these are the names people had, right? And yes, ther ...

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