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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Matthew 20:20-34
This content is part of a series.

Title: Serving Others Adopting the Heart of Jesus (4 of 5)
Series: Small Steps
Author: Craig Smith
Text: Matthew 20:20

[00:00:00] Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills, including those of you who are joining us online. So had happy to have you with us today. Hey, before we get into the message, I actually want to tell you about something really exciting God's doing. A couple weeks ago, I, I, I sort of dropped a hint that we felt like God was opening some doors to some new opportunities for ministry, and so I'm gonna tell you a little bit more about that today


So I want to talk to you a little bit today about the secret Not so much the secret to success in your relationship with God. We've been talking about that a lot over the last few weeks. Actually, I just want to talk to you about the secret to success in life. Okay. Whether it's a launching a new campus or being a campus pastor or being a lead pastor or being a husband or a father or a wife or a mother or an employee or an employer or a student or a teacher or a coach or a player or, or a friend.
Okay. Lots of different areas of life. And I think we kind of all want to be successful, don't we? Yeah. I really would prefer not to have to deal with the headache of success. Anybody? Okay. Yeah. So we all want to be successful, but here's the thing. I think a lot of times we, we, we want to be successful, but we're not really sure how to get there.

What the secret to success is. And by the way, when I talk [00:07:00] about the secret to success, I'm not talking about any of the world's secrets to success. Okay. The world says things and they put them on motivational posters. They say things like, you know, success is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.
That sounds like some pretty smelly success to me, right? Or are they say, I saw those in the other day. It says success is a mindset to have success. You have to think of your six of yourself as successful. I'm like, well, what's t ...

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