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by Craig Smith

Scripture: John 15:1-27
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Impact of Quality Time with Jesus (3 of 5)
Series: Small Steps
Author: Craig Smith
Text: John 15

[00:00:00] So what's the secret ingredient to a great relationship with God? Last week we talked about one of the ingredients. We said that, uh, that we need to be taking small steps of learning about God because true information turns good intention into the right direction, right? I mean, think about it, like, if I didn't know that my wife, Coletta, if I didn't know that Coletta loves seafood, but she hates Will Ferrell movies, she didn't hate Will Ferrell, just so we're clear.

I mean, she's a Christian, okay, so she didn't hate anybody, but she hates that guy's movies. Like, passionately. And if I didn't know those things about her, if I didn't know she loves seafood and she hates Will Ferrell movies, I could plan some really baddates, right? Right. Good information, true information, turns a good intention in the right direction.

So learning about somebody is, is key. But at the same time, think about this with me. Just because you know something about somebody doesn't necessarily mean you know them, right? I mean, you know some things about Coletta now. You know she loves seafood and you know she hates Will Ferrell movies. [00:01:00] Does that mean you know her knowing about someone's not the same thing.

It's actually knowing them. And I think we forget that sometimes because of the age that we live in. Of course, we live in the information age, right? We have so much information. It's the social media age. So you can, you can, you know, you can follow somebody that you don't even know you can follow them.

And because you follow them, you see their posts and you end up finding out a lot about them. And you might even say things like, well, I feel like I know them, but we say, I feel like I know them because we don't. Really know them when we recognize that right, but sometimes we forget that there's a difference from being a follower an ...

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