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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Luke 23:33
This content is part of a series.

Title: Cross Journey (12 of 13)
Series: The Journey
Author: Steve Jones
Text: Luke 23:33

Central Idea - The cross is God's journey to the resolution of sin.

Sermon Summary: 1) The Attribute of God's Holiness. 2) The Attribute of God's Love. 3) The Cause of God's Inner Tension. 4) The Journey to God's Resolution.

INTRODUCTION: Luke 23:33 "They crucified him."

What is the biggest moral dilemma you've ever faced? A Goodwill worker in Oklahoma was sorting through items at her store. Andrea Lessing thought she was holding books that were wrapped in two worn-out sweaters. But when she looked more closely, she saw a big bundle of cash hidden inside. Andrea initially thought the piles of envelopes holding $4100 bills were forgeries. She was astonished to learn the bills totaled $42,000. Andrea asked the manager to give the money back to its original owner. By looking into the documentation details pertaining to the donors, the honest employee and her organization were able to locate the rightful owner of the funds. After returning the money, the owner handed Andrea a $1000 prize for her actions.

?What would you have done? Don't say it out loud that's a rhetorical question. Maybe that wouldn't even be a dilemma for you at all because honesty is so ingrained in your DNA. But I'm sure you've faced a moral dilemma or two in your life. You've had to choose between the right thing and the wrong thing, the good thing, and the bad thing. The reason it is a dilemma, if it is, is because there are different elements of your character that are in conflict. Honesty verses greed for instance.

?Or sometimes the dilemma we face is not as black and white. We may choose between two things that are good. Our dilemma may be between what's good and what's best.
?This morning, as we continue our sermon series, "The Journey," I want to talk about a dilemma that was faced by God.

I started by talking about some of the dilemmas that we face because I ...

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