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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Luke 9:28-35
This content is part of a series.

Title: Revealing Journey (10 of 13)
Series: The Journey
Author: Steve Jones
Text: Luke 9:28-35

Sermon Summary: Mountain Top Experience: 1) Get a Mountain, 2) Ignite with Prayer, 3) Glimpse the Glory, 4) Sample Heaven, 5) Glorify Christ.

INTRODUCTION: On March 3, 2023, Francis Zuber was skiing in the remote backcountry of a mountain,Mt. Baker, when he fell. Upon getting up he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. It was a snowboard, sticking up out of the snow. You can see it in this picture because Francis was wearing a Go-Pro camera on his helmet. That snowboard was a signpost revealing something important.Something critical. Something that has since gone viral online. Or maybe I should say, some ONE important. Ian Steger had been snowboarding in the same remote area when he plunged into what is known as a "tree-well," a dangerous hole hidden beneath the snow. Ian was buried upside down, completely encased in the snow, arms pinned, unable to move, with approximately 15 minutes to live before he suffocated. Francis, made his way over to the snowboard and was able to dig Ian out, saving his life. It was a one in a million chance. If Francis had zigged instead of zagged, if he had not fallen, if he had looked to his right instead of his left, Ian would have died.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus took Peter James and John with him and climbed to the top of a mountain. That turned out to be a REVEALING journey. Everything that was revealed on that mountain was transforming for them - and they needed it. Everything that was written about that journey is transforming for us today. Let's study this passage today and talk about how to have a mountaintop experience in church.


Luke 9:29 "Jesus took Peter, James, and John up on a mountain".

We don't know what mountain they were on. Tradition says it was Mount Tabor, but Mount Hermon is also possible because it's closer to where they were. They had a lot of mountains to c ...

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