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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Luke 6:1-49
This content is part of a series.

Title: Loving Journey (7 of 13)
Series: The Journey
Author: Steve Jones
Text: Luke 6

Sermon Summary: 1) Who is my enemy? 2) What is Love? 3) How can I love?

INTRODUCTION: The journey with Jesus is a LOVING journey. From the Gwinnett County Sheriff's Office - August 26, 2020.

Gwinnett County Sheriff's Deputy Patrick Edmondwas conducting a routine cell search in a housing unit at the county jail on August 16 when some of the jailed men noticed something was wrong. "I could see in his eyes that he was starring off in space and he just wasn't right," said John Queen. Edmond had been repeating the same phrase and had dropped a blanket he had been holding. Video showed him staggering and at one point, leaning over a table for support. It turned out that Edmond was experiencing a life-threatening stroke. And were it not for the actions of six incarcerated men who alerted staff to the medical emergency, the outcome could have been much worse. No one would have known about it so quickly if it weren't for the efforts of the inmates who intervened and made sure they got help to Deputy Edmond quickly. One man pulled up a chair for the deputy, while others helped ease him into it. Another went over to the housing unit's phone to call for help, while two others used the deputy's radio. Others started banging on the walls to get the attention of a deputy in the neighboring unit. Medical assistance arrived in just a few minutes. Edmond underwent surgery after passing a blood clot in his brain and is now fully recovered.

?Jesus said to love your enemies. These Gwinnett County inmates show that's possible. Let's break it down.


Luke 6:27-29 "Love your enemies! Do good to those who HATE you. Bless those who CURSEyou. Pray for those who MISTREAT you. If someone SLAPS you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also."

Who is our enemy? Who is Jesus telling us to love. He's telling us to love the unlovable. He's telling us to love DIFFIC ...

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