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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Luke 1:1-80
This content is part of a series.

Title: Glorious Journey (1 of 13)
Series: The Journey
Author: Steve Jones
Text: Luke 1

Sermon Summary: The appellation "Son of David" communicates Jesus' "glory." 1) Kingdom glory. 2) Spiritual glory. 3)Everlasting glory.

INTRODUCTION: I enjoy reading biographies. Almost all biographies follow the same chronological outline tracing the subject's life from their birth to their death.

The ONLY biographies that vary from that basic outline are the four biographies of Jesus of Nazareth, known as the "gospels." Those are the ONLY biographies that do NOT progress from the subject's birth to his death. Jesus' biographies follow the chronological life of Jesus from his birth to his death, to his what? RESURRECTION.

For the next thirteen weeks, we are going on a journey with Jesus to the resurrection. We will look at a total of thirteen snapshots of his life from the Gospel of Luke. Today, I want to set this up as a "glorious" journey.


Luke 1:32 "The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David."

When the angel Gabriel announced Jesus' birth to Joseph, he referred to Jesus' father as David. The Jewish Messianic expectation was that he would be the "Son of David" - descended from David. Jesus once asked the Pharisees, "What do you think about the Christ, whose son is he?" They said to him, "The son of David" (Matthew 22:42). To the original readers, the appellation, "Son of David" would carry the connotation of the Kingdom of Israel in its glory days. David was the nation of Israel's greatest king. David is mentioned some 600 times in the Old Testament. He is mentioned about 60 times in the New Testament. In sheer volume, God chose to write more about David than any other single person in the history of the Old Testament.

A thousand years before Jesus, David led the Kingdom of Israel to unprecedented peace, prosperity, and power. The Jews of the first century were in the waning twilight of their existence as a ...

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